- api_key
- login
Gets the list of domains for a given user. Returns the following structure:
"domains": [ "", "", ... ]
- api_key
- login
- domains — an array of domains to set
Returns the same structure as site.get_domains.
- auth_token
- file — the web path to the file that keeps the requested design configuration
Returns the following structure:
"configuration": <...JSON with the configuration of the design here...>
- auth_token (optional)
Gets the categories of designs available to the reseller if auth_token is not supplied. If auth_token is supplied, gets the design categories available to the user. Returns the following structure:
"categories": <...JSON with the categories of the design here...>
- auth_token (optional)
- package_code (optional)
- language (optional)
Gets the available design collections. If package_code is supplied, the collections available to the specified package are returned. Otherwise, if auth_token is supplied, the collections available to the user are returned. If neither auth_token nor package_code are supplied, the collections of the reseller's default Trial package are returned.
"collections": <...JSON with the collections here...>
- auth_token - the current session fetched by SK.Singletons.env.get( "session_id" )
Returns a list of all collections of stock images:
"collections": [
"id": "<the collection ID>",
"caption": "<caption here...>",
"available_sizes": [ "preview", "medium", "large" ] /* any of these */
"id": ...
- auth_token
- collection_id - the ID of the collection to get images for
Returns an array of images in the collection:
"images": [
"id": "<the image ID>",
"caption": "<the image caption>",
"sizes": {
"preview": "<url here>",
"medium": "<url here>",
"large": "<url here>"
"keywords": [
- auth_token
Returns a list with details about the available fonts:
"font_definitions": [
"family": "Angelina",
"local": "Angelina",
"src": {
"woff": "//"
"family": "Arvo",
"local": "Arvo",
"src": {
"woff": "//"
- auth_token
- node_id - the NodeID of the page
Sets the home page of the site.
- auth_token
- node_id - the NodeID of the page
Sets the given page NodeID as the "Not Found" page of the site. Any requests to invalid URLs will be redirected to this page.
- auth_token
Unsets the "Not Found" page of the site. Requests to invalid URLs will show the system's default "Not Found" page.
- auth_token
- properties - JSON key-value object which must have:
- name - user-friendly name of the redirect
- path - path which should be redirected to the specified link
- link - either an external URL, or a Page NodeID
Creates a redirect which will redirect all requests to "path" to "link". Returns redirect_id
- auth_token
- properties - JSON key-value object which must have:
- name - user-friendly name of the redirect
- path - path which should be redirected to the specified link
- link - either an external URL, or a Page NodeID
Updates the properties of a redirect. Returns all the properties of the redirect.
- auth_token
- redirect_id - ID of the redirect
Removes the specified redirect.
- auth_token
- redirect_id - ID of the redirect
Returns the properties of the specified redirect.
- auth_token
Returns the properties of all redirects.
- auth_token
- properties - JSON key-value object which must have:
- name - user-friendly name of the folder
- path - path of the folder
Creates a folder which can hold pages. Returns folder_id. Refer to for details on how to move a page to a folder.
- auth_token
- properties - JSON key-value object which must have:
- name (optional)
- path (optional)
Updates the properties of a folder. Returns all the properties of the folder.
- auth_token
- folder_id - ID of the folder
Removes the specified folder.
- auth_token
- folder_id - ID of the folder
Returns the properties of the specified folder.
- auth_token
Returns the properties of all folders.
- auth_token
- url - the URL of the file which should be added as static file
Adds a static file. Returns the ID of the added file
- auth_token
- id - the ID of the file which should be removed, as returned by APIs site.static_file.add or site.static_file.get_all
Remove a static file.
- auth_token
Returns all the static files of the account with the following structure:
"file_name": "filename1.ext",
"id": "123",
"url": ""
- api_key
- login
Returns the following structure:
"content": <...JSON with site content...>
- api_key
- login
- content - JSON object retuned by site.export API
- replacements (optional) - JSON key-value object. The specified keys will be replaced with the corresponding values in the imported site.