
Left Panels are part of the LeftMenu. However, they are completely stand-alone components, which are only instantiated by the Left Menu. They take full control over their role to list WebForce Elements & Add-Ons, and also make them available for adding on Page.
Elements are all core SK objects (Text & Image, Form, Snippet, Section Group, etc.). Elements of certain type may vary in their content - for example, we can have Text & Image object with text & image as default content, or a Text & Image with Call to Action button, or Text & Image with just a horizontal line as default content, and so on. Elements Grid is based on ThumbsGrid and renders all elements within a Category.
Add-Ons, on the other hand, are all currently installed applications.
A single element instance may exist in both categories (Elements & Add-Ons).




Panel - SK.UI.LeftMenu.Panel

  • Panel (class) responsible for creating a new Left Panel. Panels manage Categories
  • Panel Instance (object) instance of the Panel, represents a single Left Panel (Elements, Add-Ons, Applications Settings)


Name Description Parameters Returns
inject Inject the root DOM node into the given placeholder. Default position is "bottom". DOMElement (Placeholder element)
String (Position of injecting)
refresh Refreshes content (re-inits ThumbsGrid getting the data from the registry) - -


Category Registry - SK.UI.LeftMenu.Categories

  • Category (class) responsible for creating a new Category. Categories group Elements (Text & Image, Section Group, etc.) and list them into a Collapsible Section
  • Category Instance (object) instance of Category, represents group of Elements. Categories are "Text & Images", "Layouts", "Tables & Lists", etc.
  • Categories (object) registry, collection of all available Left Panel Categories


Name Description Parameters Returns
set Registers new Category String (ID)
Object (Meta)
get Returns Category by ID String (ID) Object (Meta)
setMultiple Registers multiple Categories Object { id: meta } -
getByPanel Returns collection of Categories bound to a certain Panel String (Panel ID) Object { id: meta }


Element Registry - SK.UI.LeftMenu.Elements

  • Element (class) responsible for creating new element that can be added to Page
  • Element Instance (object) instance of Element, represents a single element from certain type (Text & Image, HTML Snippet, Application, etc.) that can be added on Page
  • Elements (object) registry, collection of all available Left Panel Elements


Name Description Parameters Returns
set Registers new Element String (ID)
Object (Meta)
get Returns Element by ID String (ID) Object (Meta)
setMultiple Registers multiple Elements Object { id: meta } -
getByCategory Returns collection of Elements bound to a certain Category String (Category ID) Object { id: meta }




Create element in the left menu panel and refer it to the panel constructor.


   id: 'test',
   item_options: {
      caption: 'My Element'
   order: 2,
   panel: {
      source: SK.UI.LeftMenu.Panel


Create element in the left menu panel based on own constuctor.


   id: 'test',
   item_options: {
      caption: 'My Element',
      tooltip: 'This is My Element tooltip'
   order: 2,
   panel: {
      source: new Class({
         inject : function ( placeholder ) {
            placeholder.grab( this.createContent() );
         createContent : function () {
            return new Element('div', { html : '<h1>Hello, Panels!</h1>' });


Create category in the panel.


SK.UI.LeftMenu.Categories.set('test_category', {
   label          : 'Test Category',
   panels         : ['test'],
   grid_options   : {
      columns        : 2
   order          : 1


Create element in the category. The property "categories" can accept multiple category identificators.


SK.UI.LeftMenu.Elements.set('test_element', {
   obj_id         : 111,
   icon_offset    : { x: '50%', y: '-60px' },
   label          : 'Text',
   tooltip        : 'Tooltip of the test_element',
   properties     : {},
   categories     : ['test_category'],
   order          : 10